Tuesday, July 20, 2004

How to hide CSS from buggy browsers

Table of CSS Hacks
Table grid listing CSS hacks versus popular browser versions.
How to hide CSS from buggy browsers
Listing of various methods used to handle browser issues...
Todd Fahrner's Workaround for delivering the best possible CSS
Write full stylesheets using the spec and the best implementation currently available (IE4) as guides. Don't worry about support problems in IE3/NS4. When you're ready to publish, separate out the small set of IE3/NS4-safe features into a separate "primary" sheet. Link your HTML documents to this sheet. From this primary, reference the remaining declarations in a secondary sheet via "@import".
The “Be Mean to Opera” Hack
This hack can be used to hide CSS from Opera (versions 5 and below)
How to hide CSS from Opera 7
The Owen Hack hides CSS from Opera 5 and 6, but not Opera 7 (released Jan 28 2003). However, my newly invented *7 hack hides CSS from Opera 5, 6, and 7 on Windows, and Opera 6 on OS X.
CSS Discussion.  There is a long running occasional debate over whether or not these hacks should be used.
CSS Hack
CSS hacks are clever tricks which take advantage of browser bugs to perform such magic as "hiding" Css Rules from specific Web Browsers or kicking browsers that don't follow the specs into line.
IE Box Model Hack 
This is the one !

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